Our innovation and community managers support organizations in creating a continuous innovation process

Problem solving

Creative problem solving

Resolve the key problems of your organization

Management support
Foxwin supports and trains your managers in launching challenges and solve complex problems
Campaign promotion
Foxwin promotes the campaign of ideas, actively involving staff, monitors its progress and signals opportunities and improvements
Evaluation of ideas
Using collective intelligence it is possible to identify the best solution among those proposed

Continuos Improvement

Foxwin supports organizations in creating a structured process of continuous improvement

Personalized consultation at startup
Preliminary consultancy sessions with the aim of structuring the competition of ideas and the innovation process according to the specific needs of the client
Roles training
Short specific training before the official start of the program. The training is aimed at managers involved in the innovation process
Monitoring and reporting
Foxwin constantly monitors the progress of the program, highlighting the critical issues that need intervention and / or opportunities that would otherwise go unnoticed. It also provides reports for the 360 ° assessment of the innovation program

Innovation Pact

The Innovation Pact is a document with the rules of the innovation contest. It is made up according to the customer needs. The document is an important point of reference whose purpose is to align the activities of the participants with the strategic direction of the organization, ensuring the success of the innovation contest

Role training

Short specific training before the official start of the program. The training is aimed at managers involved in the innovation process. The aim is to familiarize with the IT tool and provide practical advice for leadership activity in a context of innovation.


Identification of the participants for the innovation contest, division in groups and contexts in order to optimize the performance of the software.

Creating effective challenges

Management support for the launch of 5 customized challenges and monitoring of the proposed solutions. Definition of problem to be solved. Campaign promotion and employees’ engagement. Coordinating the evaluation and selection of the most promising solutions.

Tax concessions (not available in all countries)

Advice in obtaining tax benefits obtainable through the implementation of innovative projects and the engagement of workers.

Definition of a communication strategy

Supply of promotional material for internal communication such as totems and flyers. Creation of massive emails to all participants of the innovation contest with information dedicated to them, useful for increasing participation and engagement.

Constantly monitor the results

The quarterly meetings with the heads of the ideas competition are a useful tool that allows, without commitment to present the results of the innovation process and reports on involvement. The purpose of these meetings is to monitor the progress of innovation in relation to the objectives, evaluate the critical points, strengths and develop strategies to improve the process.

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