Foxwin Interviews: Michele Nencioni

Michele Nencioni
Managing Director at Confindustria Udine

Today we are interviewing Michele Nencioini, Managing Director at Confindustria Udine.

This organisation set itself the target of improving internal collaboration in order to improve wellbeing. They were able to achieve this through engaging methods with direct participation of employees.


In a business like Confindustria Udine, what are the most common daily obstacles and, in a market in which has uncertainty is a main element, what are the new challenges which arise, and which repeat cyclically?

MICHELE: Uncertainty represents the main obstacle, which creates a chronic problem – no new investment. The level of uncertainty is currently elevated due to the dynamics between countries: the commerical war between the United States and China, as well as Brexit.

However, it is also true that today’s world holds huge opportunity, perhaps like never before. And we, together with our businesses, are here to welcome it.

Eighteen months ago, the management of Confindustria Udine set itself the object of changing the organisation towards a useful, team-based approach. Can you tell us a bit more about that?

MICHELE: That’s right. I have always called it the natural way as this path takes you back to natural dynamics, inverting the old approach to great client attention which must remain, but also adding tools and methods for improving people’s working environment within our organisation.

What are the benefits you have obtained through using Foxwin and how are you using these benefits in your business?

MICHELE: Foxwin has given us a certain type of structuring which allows us to organise our resources, our meetings and all the analysis of more complicated issues. The results aren’t here yet, but they are coming.

I say this because I have seen the enthusiasm and the resourcefulness of our employees when they suggest ideas and, above all, when they propose solutions to problems.

With this software, you aim to improve internal collaboration in order to achieve collaborative wellbeing and only after this, do you intend to utilise the instrument to improve the service for associates. Tell us a little bit about the strategy which will form the basis of this.

MICHELE: We have started with internal wellbeing because must address that before then arriving at benefit to associates and wellbeing that concerns not only the way of working but also the resolution of conflict.

Foxwin is helping us to resolve conflicts within meetings, with freedom to express and share. Once we have completed this step, we will be able to translate these benefits outside the organisation, to our associates. At that point it will be clear that, along with our pwn will and strength, the Foxwin method has contributed to the generation of such positive effects.

The ideas contest in Confindustria was met with a certain difficulty in composing the evaluative committee. What is the principle lesson this experience brought?

 MICHELE: I learned a  lot and this case is truly a great example. At the start of the ideas contest, the Evaluation Committe, with a true Teal approach, questioned the members I had chosen to form the commission.

Timidly, really, I then had to realise that the team wanted to decide on its members independently, based on local and circumstantial reasons.

Obviously I accepted this, recognising the importance of such a good and authentic opportunity for participation and being aware that management are only aware of some of the problems within an organisation…


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